INSOURCE - konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

Detaily příspěvku konference

Informace jako konkurenční výhoda II.

Koordinátor: Dagmar Vránová, EPMA - Agentura pro evropské projekty a management, Praha

Kdy a kde: 5. 2. 2008, 13.30 - 17.10, Hotel Diplomat, Praha B-D

Význam Competitive Intelligence - řešení od společnosti Thomson

Autor: Daphne Grecchi, Thomson Scientific, Velká Británie

Plný text


Demonstration of IP Processes and Competitive Intelligence:
A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to a patentee for a fixed period of time in exchange for full disclosure of an invention. The requirement for full disclosure means that patent information provides a unique resource for gaining insights into company activity and R&D strategy; approximately 80% of a technical information disclosed in patents is not available elsewhere. Tpping into this data source as well other information sources such as literature and business data allows the researcher to use Intellectual Property as a proxy for activity within and across industry sectors, making it invaluable for informing both competitive and technical intelligence. This session presents a model how IP analysis helps lubricate innovation within an organisation, a case study of IP analysis techniques, from the basic to the advanced and examples of the type of business questions that IP analysis can help answer.

O autorovi:

Daphne Grecchi - Product Specialist - Thomson Scientific Corporate Markets

Born in Italy, Daphne moved to the United Kingdom in 1997 and she has a ten-year experienece working in the information industry with international companies.

Her professional career started as a Marketing Analyst for a Law Fir specialised in engineering and construction litigation. Since then, she has had a variety of roles, ranging from Marketing, to Sales and Account Management and Technical Training. In the last five years she has been focussing specifically on Intellectual Property and its exploitation for Competitive and Technical Intelligence.

She joined Thomson Scientific in 2003 as a Sales representative for Germany and Italy and a year later she joined the Professional Services division, assisting global customers with searching and analysis of all our sources of IP data. Daphne travels all over Europe to help companies maximise their benefit from the use of Thomson Scientific's information systems and can communicate with them in English, Italian, Frencg, German and Spanish.

Daphne has a Bachelor degree in Modern Languages and Economics jointly awarded by the University of Nice and Liverpool John Moores University.

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